' xstream -  dump reassembled raw tcp stream data in/out

On Error Resume Next
Set Sout = WScript.StdOut
if WScript.Arguments.Count <>  2 then
	Sout.WriteLine "Usage: cscript xstream.vbs  input-tcpdump-file output-dir  "
end if
InputTCPD  = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
DirName    = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists("temp_cap.usnf") Then
	fso.DeleteFile "temp_cap.usnf"
End If
' Check if Directory Exists (Create if it doesnt)
If Not fso.FolderExists(DirName)  Then
	fso.CreateFolder (DirName)
	Sout.WriteLine "Created Output Folder " & DirName
End If
' Import from tcpdump (libpcap) format
Set UnsniffDB = CreateObject("Unsniff.Database")
UnsniffDB.New("temp_cap.usnf" )
UnsniffDB.Import "libpcap", InputTCPD
Sout.WriteLine "Imported tcpdump file  " & InputTCPD
Dim STIndex
Set STIndex = UnsniffDB.StreamIndex
For Each  ST In STIndex
With ST
	Fname = .SourceAddress & "_" & .SourcePort & "_" & .DestinationAddress & "_" & .DestinationPort 
	ExpFilePath = fso.BuildPath (DirName, Fname )
	Sout.WriteLine "OUT " & ExpFilePath
	.SaveToFile ExpFilePath & ".OUT.dat","out",0,-1	
	Sout.WriteLine "IN " & ExpFilePath
	.SaveToFile ExpFilePath & ".IN.dat","in",0,-1	
End With
fso.DeleteFile "temp_cap.usnf"