Forensics Fun : YouTube videos from packet captures

Reconstruction of videos from packet captures. How to extract videos from a youtube session and to script the whole thing.

Who says people who look at raw packets cant have fun ? Let’s see how we can reconstruct YouTube videos from raw packets and play them back directly from Unsniff. We also show you a nifty Ruby script to automate this.


1. Fire up Unsniff Network Analyzer and start a packet capture

2. Go watch some YouTube video(s)  to completion. We will explain how to deal with half played videos later.

3. Once you are done,  switch over to the User Objects tab where all the action is. You will see a list of “user objects” extracted by Unsniff from the stream. Click on the Type column to sort by Type and locate the FLV objects. Right click to Save or Play (To playback you need the free VLC Player installed and FLV files associated with VLC).

Right click the user object of type FLV and select Play or Save
Right click the user object of type FLV and select Play or Save

Feeling adventurous ?  Lets try some more tricks.

Pruning the packet capture

When you interact with a site like YouTube there is a ton of content exchanged, not all of it is the video bits. You have packets containing images, HTML, Flash, and Javascript. The actual FLV is exchanged in a single TCP stream. If you can save these streams alone, you will be able to reconstruct the videos.

Here is how you do it.

1. Switch over to the “Sessions”, here is where you will see a list of TCP sessions updated in real time (every packet).

Only the TCP Stream containing the media is required ! Cut and paste it
Only the TCP Stream containing the media is required ! Cut and paste it

2. Locate the TCP Stream carrying FLV traffic. These are typically the really large ones. Select the stream, copy the stream (Edit->Copy) and Paste it as a new file (Edit -> Paste as New). Voila ! Switch to the User Objects in the new file and you will find the FLV without all the other clutter.

Script the whole thing using Ruby

The right clicking novelty quickly wears out after a while. You really want to automate this type of forensic stuff.

Here is a sample which shows you how you can use Ruby to script this stuff.

Task : Extract all the videos in a capture file as separate playable files. (including the ones that were aborted in the middle due to the use losing interest)

1. Save the capture as USNF format (this is the scriptable format used by Unsniff).

2. Run this script like so

We are still working on tweaking the experience for our upcoming Unsniff 2.0 release. In the meantime, we invite you to  try out the Unsniff Beta 1.8 and give us feedback on what you’d like to really see.

Author: Vivek Rajagopalan

Vivek Rajagopalan is the a lead developer for Trisul Network Analytics. Prior products were Unsniff Network Analyzer and Unbrowse SNMP. Loves working with packets , very high speed networks, and helping track down the bad guys on the internet.